Cling Clang - initial application
One of the plots on Cling Clang fields that were recently auctioned off has applied for ‘permission in principle’ to build a single storey house. ENCON does not typically object to individual applications for development. However, we made an exception in this case partly because of the very sensitive nature of development on this site and also because there is the risk of a precedent being set.
You can find the full objection letter to application 24/00880/PIP here. As residents have echoed in their objections, the application has little merit and runs counter to West Oxfordshire’s Local Plan and to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) in many aspects.
Church Enstone is considered to be a ‘small villages, hamlets and open countryside’ in the settlement hierarchy. Development within this category shall be limited to what is necessary and is appropriate for a rural location. It is clear that this isolated development, in the open countryside, is unsustainable and unsuitable to its rural location and therefore, is contrary to policies OS2, OS4 and H2 and policies in the NPPF.
One of the key objections to the proposed development is the effect on biodiversity and the impact on the landscape. As we have said in our letter of objection:
'The development would encroach into an extensive area of agricultural land that characterises the landscape in this location. Therefore, the proposal cannot be considered a logical complement to the village morphology or the existing rural environment which provides a setting for it, and it would not easily assimilate into its surroundings in resulting in the loss of an important area of open space that makes a positive contribution to the character of the area'.
Accessing expert opinion on large scale, or potentially large scale, developments is a key role for ENCON. It brings weight to objections and gives valuable pointers for local residents to use in their own submissions. If this is something you have found useful, then please consider joining us as a member.